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Mandatory Notifications
Mandatory Notifications

Health Office

Contact Information:

Contact Information:

Phone: 760.753.6241 x3378
Fax: 760.943.3561
Immunization Requirements

Immunization Requirements

The San Dieguito Union High School District has a  policy.  Students are required to present their immunization records when enrolling in the district.  California law requires additional documentation for students who are from out-of-state or out-of-country.  Please see schedule of required immunizations.  Students who do not meet these requirements, will not be enrolled in the district.  (SDUHSD Board Policy 5141.3)
Students Need These Immunizations to Start 7 Grade:
  • Tetanus, Diptheria,Pertussis (Tdap) —1 dose (Whooping cough booster usually given at ages 11 and up)
  • Measles-containing vaccine (MMR) — 2 doses (Usually given at 12 months of age and 4-6 years of age)
This school immunization law affects all students in public and private schools. Parents must show their child's Immunization Record as proof of immunization.Transfer students from out-of-state entering any grade level (K-12) in California may need to meet additional school immunization requirements. 
 Los Estudiantes Entrando al 7º Grado Necesitan Estas Vacunas:
  • Vacuna contra el etanos, la difteria y la tos ferina(Tdap) —1 dosis(El refuerzo de la vacuna contra la tos ferina generalmente se aplica a los 11 años de edad o más.)
  • Vacuna contra el arampion (MMR)—2 dosis(Generalmente se aplica a los 12 meses de edad y entre los 4 y 6 años de edad)
Esta ley escolar aplica a todos los estudiantes en escuelas públicas y privadas. Los padres deben presentar el Comprobante de Inmunización de su hijo(a) como prueba de que se vacunó.  Los estudiantes (K-12) que se transfieren de una escuela fuera de California necesitan cumplir con requisitos de vacunación adicionales dependiendo de su edad. 
Consulte a su doctor sobre las vacunas recomendadas para ninos y dolescentes, incluyendo la vacuna contra la influenza todos los años.


(for students who need medication during the school day)
1. Obtain a medical order for the medication (includes over-the-counter and
prescription) by having your student’s medical provider complete one of the
following forms. All forms listed below are located on the SDUHSD website under
Health Services

a. Allergy and Anaphylaxis Medications
b. Asthma Medications
c. Seizure Medications
d. Diabetic Medications (please have your doctor prepare “school medical orders”)
e. All Other Medications
➔ NEW medical orders (forms above) are needed for each new school year
(dated June 1 or after) and signed/stamped by a California medical provider
with provider license number noted.
➔ A medical order is needed for ALL medication on campus (includes
medications stored in health office and student self-carry medications)
➔ ONLY a few medications are permissible for student self-carry: epinephrine
injectors, inhalers, and diabetic supplies
2. Obtain the medication and double check the following:
a. Information on the medication bottle (medication name, dose, etc) matches
what the medical provider completed on the forms from above (includes
over-the-counter and prescription)
b. If over-the-counter medication, must be in the original, sealed container.
c. If prescription medication, must have the prescription label on the bottle.
d. Check the expiration date. (If the expiration date for prescription medications
is prior to the last day of school, be prepared to bring more to school. All
over-the-counter medications should have an expiration date after the last day
of school. Expired medications can not be given.)
3. Only parents or legal guardians may bring the medication (with forms) to the school
health office. Medications will not be accepted from any student under 18.
4. All medication must be picked up by a parent/ guardian by the last day of school.
*Health Offices will not accept medications unless all of the above actions are completed.
*Health Offices do not stock medications for the general use of all students.
Thank you!
Please note that if your child wears braces or contact lenses, we do not have “wax” or “saline solution” available so they should be prepared to carry it with them. Parents or guardians are permitted to come to the school and dispense medicine to their children in the health office as needed if the required forms are not on file.
Medical PE:

Medical PE:

If your child is ill or injured and cannot participate in Physical Education, a signed note from the parent/guardian must be submitted in order to be excused from the class. If the student is going to miss PE for more than 3 days, a physician's note that states a start and end date is required in order to be excused from PE. Again, a signed note is required. No phone calls will be accepted.